Friday, July 20, 2018

Men Prefer What Now?!

“Men prefer debt-free virgins without tattoos.”

When I saw that line, I could hardly believe what I had read. I read it again, just to make sure I hadn’t misread it the first time. I’ll be honest, the title had me hooked – I had to know just what this lady was talking about. And so began my journey into the post about how men prefer women without tattoos, who have no debt, and also are virgins. I read it again…and again…and again. I stumbled over each of these concepts in my mind, wondering, if that was truly what Christian men preferred – if they truly wanted a woman who never went to college, stayed home until she got married, had no debt, no tattoos, was a virgin without any past mistakes and was ready to be “taught” by either her spouse or the older women around her how she should act and think within the realms of the home and motherhood. After about 24 hours of lulling these things over in my mind, I turned to my husband of a year and asked him if it was true, if he had wished he had married a woman like that. Now, I was a virgin (and so was my husband), and I don’t have any tattoos (though I have my belly button pierced so I'm sure that would be close enough to a tattoo, right?), however, I went to a private Christian college, so clearly I will be swimming in debt for the rest of my natural born life. When we got married, I was tattoo-less and a virgin, but I was strapped into debt like an angry 2-year-old strapped into a car seat. I did not fit this stigma, and neither, did I realize, did many, if not all, of the women I knew in my church, or where I attended college.

The second the question slipped out of my mouth, my husband looked at me like I was crazy, and answered with a resounding, “NO!” No, he did not wish he had married a woman like that, because he had married the perfect woman already – me! Thus, began the conversation about the type of women men really prefer; the type of women men truly love. We discussed it on the car ride home from the grocery store – what kind of women did men truly prefer? Naughty ones? Prude ones? Conservative or liberal? Strong or meek? Easily-controlled or rather free-spirited? Tattooed or un-inked? After about a half an hour car ride home, we came up with the answer, and this one folks, is a doozy. 

Christian men, real, true, God-seeking, God-honoring men, prefer the women that God has called them to love. My husband and other men, prefer the women that God has chosen for them to love and adore, whether or not they are virgins, have tattoos, or are in debt. Christian men prefer whoever God has intended for them, regardless of if she is quiet and sweet, or sassy and spicy. Godly men will love whoever God has set apart for them, whether or not she wants to be a career woman and never have kids, or a stay at home wife and mom who homeschools her kids.

God did not call Hosea to marry Gomer because she was a virgin, debt-free and didn’t have tattoos. On the contrary, God called Hosea to marry and care for her because that is what He intended; no questions asked. Gomer, a prostitute, ran from Hosea– and after running, God could’ve just told Hosea to let her go; I mean, after all, she was a prostitute, who had been selling herself for money, and Hosea had already had to buy her the first time around. However…God said, “Go again, love a woman who is loved by another man and is an adulteress, even as the Lord loves the children of Israel” (Hosea 3:1). Go again, love my daughter, no questions asked.

Godly men want whatever woman God has chosen for them, even if she is not debt-free, is covered in tattoos, and has had sex before he came into the picture. 

My grandpa, who passed away a couple of years ago, was one of the godliest men I had ever known. He read through his Bible every year, pouring over the Word and memorizing verses. He attended church every Sunday, he played chauffer to some of the church-goers who needed rides to the airport or school or youth group. He prayed relentlessly, loved graciously, never spoke out of anger, and loved my grandma, his children and his grandchildren very well. So well, that he had married my grandma, despite the fact that she wasn’t a virgin when they met! In fact, she had even come from a previous marriage, where her ex-husband was mentally unstable and later committed suicide. He was a godly man, and he waited many years to meet the woman he was going to marry (he was in his mid to late 20s), and the woman God intended for him was my grandma. Despite her not being a virgin, my grandpa preferred my grandma over any woman who was, because she was the one God had intended for him – she was his perfect match.

Men will love and prefer whoever God has intended them to, because those are the women that God loves. Jesus was not chillin’ with the virgins and the non-tattooed and debt-free ladies (or even men for that reason). On the contrary, Jesus was loving and going to bat for women, despite them not being virgins, un-tattooed or debt free, such as the woman who had committed adultery in John chapter 8, or Mary Magdalene, or the woman who washed his feet in Luke chapter 7; Jesus loved every type of woman, just as we, man or woman, are called to love every type of woman, whether or not she fits the perfect mold or stereotype.

Let me tell you, when I read this article and started looking for the type of women that both men and God prefer, I did not find virgin, debt-free and tattoo-less women who stayed home and listened to all of their husband’s commands and never went to college. On the contrary…I found the opposite!

I found the Proverbs 31 woman – hello! She was a business woman! “She considers a field and buys it; with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard.” (Proverbs 31:16) “She makes linen garments and sells them; she delivers sashes to the merchant.” (Proverbs 31:24). Nowhere in Proverbs 31 does it say that she stays at home all day and cooks and cleans for her family and husband – it says she is out and about and working her business and making money, and that men at the gates praise her husband for it! They think it’s awesome that she’s helping out the family.

Or, look at Ruth – in no way would I say she is quiet and meek. In fact, I would say she is strong and brave and fearless. Ruth was putting the moves on Boaz because she loved her family and felt that that was what God had intended to her. Even better, look at Esther. She went before a king – a king! She was prayerful and loved her people and God so much, that she was willing to go before a king and speak out of turn, despite the social construct that someone speaking to a king, let alone their husband like this, was a huge no no. Not to mention that Esther was forced to sleep with the king before she became queen and was his wife – yes, sex outside of marriage happened for Esther, and yet she was still favored and used by God.

I went to college and am in debt, but, if I wouldn’t have gone to college, I would have never met my husband. So, in some weird way, if I wouldn’t have sought an education, and wouldn’t have gone into debt, I would’ve never met and married the love of my life. Yet somehow, despite my debt, my husband preferred me over a woman who was debt-less. 

When I read the article about what men “preferred”, my heart sunk a little. I read it and felt it throughout my entire being. To me, those words may have seemed a little intense. But to women who were not virgins, had tattoos, and were swimming in debt, went to college, were single moms, wanted an education, left home at 18, and did not want to be stay at home wives and moms, this article is painful. If I sit here and read it in the shoes of a woman who is anything but perfect, I hear it: Unloved. Unwanted. Undesired. Full of faults. Unworthy. Condemned. Wrong. Whore. Slut. Ugly. Rude. Bossy. Mean. Intense. Naughty. 

And knowing this, knowing that these are the words that many women are feeling, is grieving. Because what women should be hearing, from Christian men AND women, is: Loved. Wanted. Desired. Faultless. Clean. Worthy. Precious. Perfect. Beautiful. Strong. Brave. Fearless. Lovely. Priceless. God looks at every woman, and says that He sees nothing but beauty and love. And let me tell you, that’s all I see too, because anything less, is not in my job description as a woman who loves the Lord.

If all men and God wanted was virgin women without tattoos and no debt, and all we had to do was achieve that to get husbands, then Jesus dying on the cross would’ve been a total waste. Last time I checked, dying on that cross released an otherworldly kind of grace, and that is the kind of grace God has used to show women everywhere that they are loved and priceless beyond belief.  Because every time I see a woman who is real, raw, and honest about how she is not a virgin, or has a million tattoos, or is going to be shackled to debt forever, I see nothing but grace and humanity and God’s love. 

In conclusion, no, men do not prefer women who are virgins, have no debt and do not have tattoos. Men prefer and men love, whatever woman God has intended, and that is the kind of God I want to serve.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

A Sister's Love

I don't even remember what day it was - one of the most unique, startling moments of my life, and I can't remember what day it was. In fact, I don't even remember what month it was - was it October? Or was it November? The Fall months...they always seem to be the hardest, don't they? And while I can't remember what day it was, or the month, I remember everything so clearly. I remember what I was wearing - my favorite flannel pajamas, red and black and gray. I remember where I was sitting, on my couch, sinking into the cushions with my favorite blue blanket across my lap. I remember what I was watching - Supernatural, no chick flick moments. I remember where my husband was sitting, to my right, busily typing away on his computer, click click click. Our dog, Bentley, was sleeping to my left, curled up into a ball of fur and love and warmth.

And that's when I got it, the phone call.

Flash backwards...flash backwards almost seventeen years ago. Flash backwards to a 3 year old girl with long, ash-blonde hair and freckles and blue eyes, and see her on her knees, praying praying praying. Eyes squeezed shut tight and all I want, more than anything in the world, is a little brother. A little brother to be my best friend, to be my partner in crime, someone to look out over the yard with, and see absolute, pure, magic - castles and knights and he would be there, by my side with my sister, battling the dragons. Someone to play in the sprinklers with my sister and I, someone to shake our worlds up a little bit, and to bring a new type of otherworldly kindness and tenderness to our family that we didn't even know we needed. Desperate prayers - I want a brother, just give me a baby brother. And just like that, he was here - Grayson was here. June of 2000, two weeks after my 4th birthday, and he was here. 

Flash forward now, 5 years after when I had laid eyes on the answer to all of my tiny, whisper-prayers. And we are inseparable - we are carbon copies of each other; stone blue eyes and freckles and thick, ash-blonde hair, both of us gifted with a cowlick. And we are cowboys and cowgirls, wearing boots and hats and throwing our heads back, laughing wildly. When he was born, my sister wasn't so sure, but now, now she is very sure - he was exactly what we needed, exactly what our family had been missing. I have memories, memories of all five of us squished into man parents bed, watching TV and giggling together. I have memories, climbing high into cherry trees, racing down snow-covered hills and watching the Magic School Bus, all with my brother and sister. I have memories, with him, sneaking out onto the roof in the cool summer evenings, even though we knew we weren't supposed to, but the view was absolutely spectacular.

And suddenly, I am back in 2017, and I'm listening to my mother on the other line, and it seems so much darker and so much later than it really is as I hear her voice echo across time and space, a state apart and yet I feel as though she is sitting right next to me. That's when she tells me, that's when she says it - that's when she tells me his story. Gray's story. About the substance abuse, and the alcohol abuse. About Gray being gay, and about the boyfriend we didn't even know existed. And I am absolutely shocked, and in tears, and I don't even know what to say. And tears are just pouring, gushing, and my stone blue eyes feel stormy and there are so many things running through my head, like a train that just won't slow down and I'm being derailed and yet staying on the tracks all at the same time. And she's crying too, sobbing heavy, heavy tears that only a mother can cry. And David is beside me and he's holding my hand and he looks so stable - so safe, but he is silent.

Then, my sister is talking to me. She's in tears too, and I can feel the weight of her anger, frustration and sadness through my phone. And she's asking David to pray - she's asking him to pray for us, because all we feel is shock and confusion and hurt. There my husband is, so strong, so secure, holding my hand as he prays over my weeping sister and I. To love is to be vulnerable, and I have not felt more vulnerable than this in my entire life. 

And then the phone is bounced - passed along from family member to family member until I hear his voice. Gray's voice. My brother's voice. He is quiet; timid; the boy who absolutely loves to talk as much as he possibly can, is completely silent as I ask why? Why not tell us? Why now? Why not sooner? Why didn't you tell me? My hurt is heavy - because the fact that he's gay, is not what hurts; what hurts, is the fact that he didn't tell me, and I thought we told each other everything. And soon, he is gone, and we hang up, and I sit crying, clinging to my husband like he's the only thing that will keep me from being swept away. And I'm asking God, what was going to happen to us now, now that my brother's sexuality and alcohol and substance abuse problems are out in the open. I want to know, why the Lord had decided to shake up our world with such news, and I wondered, what was going to happen next.

The year is 2018, and it's May. I talked to Gray yesterday...he's doing great. He's graduating high school in June, on my birthday. I talked to Ryan too; Ryan is Gray's boyfriend, and he spends most of his time at my parents' house, with my brother. Ryan is our newest family member - everything my mom, dad, sister, brother, grandma, husband and I do, we do with Ryan in tow; in fact, home no longer is home, without Ryan. We FaceTimed recently, and talked about Skyrim and discussed sandwich creations and their future plans, and how great it will be when David and I move closer to them in June. We laugh together, snicker together, plan and dream together. And suddenly, we are 5 and 9, and nothing has changed.

There are lots of things I have learned over the course of this journey so far - there are lots of things I have learned after finding out my brother is gay. The first thing, is that Ryan has added a lot of good things to our family dynamic. It feels almost weird without Ryan around, because now everyone is used to him being at home when they get off work. My mom took his picture on his first day of his junior year, and on his first day of work, and he spent Thanksgiving at mine and David's house with the rest of my family. Ryan has been easy to love, he has been kind and for that, I am personally forever grateful.

The other thing I learned, is that nothing has changed. The way I love my brother, is absolutely the same. I know, I know...there are crazy stories of Christians condemning the gay community, and kicking them out of their houses. But ya know, I like to think my family breaks that stereotype. And maybe we just got lucky, but for us...nothing has changed. Gray is our brother, our son, our grandson and our brother-in-law, and that is the beginning and end of everything. In fact, I didn't think it was possible, but I would even venture to say we love Gray now, more than we did before we knew he was gay, and believe me, we loved him an awful lot. 

The final thing I learned, is about love. C.S. Lewis writes, "To love at all, is to be vulnerable." He couldn't have been more right; loving over these last few months has made me feel very, very vulnerable. I have felt raw and exposed. But at the same time, I have never felt more love towards my brother than I have over these last few months. I understand now, a deeper aspect of a sister's love that I never even knew existed. And it is flawless.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

My Name is Teacher

My name is Teacher.
I'm referred to as Mrs. Pratt, 
and my first name is Honor, 
but those aren't the names I get called eight hours of the day. 
My name is Teacher.
 At least, that's what they call me. 
That's what those children call me...Teacher. 
Little ones who ask, "Teacher?"
Because that math problem just doesn't make sense.
Sweet little faces who excitedly shout, "Teacher, Teacher!"
Because finally they get it; 
because finally they know how to spell a word,
or finally they got a perfect score on a paper,
or finally they can read the page of a new book.
Tiny humans who cry, "Teacher...Teacher..."
Because they are being evicted and have nowhere to go.
Pixies who whisper, "Teacher."
Because they need a hug;
Because they have to leave mom or dad since home is no longer safe.
Because they are going back to foster care,
and again
and again.
Students who furrow their brows and say my name..."Teacher."
Tiny hands grabbing at me, "Teacher, Teacher!"
Because they need someone to lean on.
Ripped sweaters, and holey shoes and jeans two sizes too big, staring at me and saying, 
"Teacher. Teacher."
The smell of old cigarettes and tired eyes that breathe, "Teacher, Teacher."
Because Teacher, is secure and stable.
Dirty skin, stained t-shirts and greasy hair, yelling, "Teacher, Teacher!"
Teacher, love me.
Teacher, see me.
Teacher, value me.
Teacher, fight for me.
Teacher, see me as something greater than how I see myself.
Tear stained faces and red-rimmed eyes screaming, "TEACHER! TEACHER!"
Because they have seen too much;
Because my worst nightmare is their reality;
Because all of these emotions are heavy, heavy, heavy.
Mouths with missing teeth, and eyes full of love, smiling up at me, "Teacher."
My name is Teacher.
My name is Teacher because teacher means so much more than just teacher.
My name is Teacher, 
Because Teacher is who they need.
My name is Teacher, 
Because language barriers and painful backgrounds
don't apply here.
My name is still Teacher.
My name is still Teacher,
When I want to cry at night because I can't save them.
My name is still Teacher,
When they use words to hurt me.
My name is still Teacher,
When my heart is breaking because the time I have with them is up.
My name is still Teacher,
When I have tried to teach them a concept a dozen times,
and they still don't understand it.
My name is still Teacher,
day in and day out.
My name is still Teacher, 
When I leave exhausted after a day full of tantrums and tears.
It's 8:30 in the morning.
"Teacher? " They ask as soon as they see me.
And just like every morning, 
I reply, 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

// Ultimate List of Diffuser Blends ••

When my husband and I got married, we had a couple of friends that were sweet enough to gift us some doTERRA petal diffusers. I had always wanted to get into essential oils but had been struggling with where to start - which oils to buy, what diffuser to get, what blends I wanted, and which essential oils would benefit me personally. I was feeling so overwhelmed with all these options, but when we were gifted some essential oils and diffusers, it was like I finally had my starting point without having to make a bunch of decisions. I had heard of both doTERRA and Young Living essential oils but I decided to go with doTERRA because that was what all of my friends and family used, and the brand that I just personally felt was best for my family. Naturally, when I first got my oils and my diffusers, I was absolutely obsessed. I had about six or seven oils when I first started using doTERRA, and so I was able to create a couple of different blends with those oils to get me started. However, shortly after, my husband and I were able to purchase a bunch more oils and really start our doTERRA journey. My personal favorite way to use essential oils is in my diffuser, because I love the way they make my house smell and my husband and I love the way they make us feel when they're wafting through the air.

When I got more and more of my oils, I started a Pinterest diffuser blend binge search. I took Pinterest by storm and started pinning all sorts of different blends that I thought my husband and I would like. So, I thought I would share with you my favorite, ultimate list of diffuser blends that my husband David and I adore - only a couple of these are blends that I personally made up, but the rest are Pinterest finds. These blends smell amazing, make you feel great, and just make your day run smoothly and effortlessly.

Rise and Shine
- 3 drops of Wild Orange
- 2 drops of Peppermint
- 3 drops of Lemon
- 2 drops of Peppermint

Citrus Candy
- 3 drops of Grapefruit
- 2 drops of Wild Orange
- 1 drop of Lemon

Immune Booster
- 3 drops of Citrus Bliss 
- 2 drops of OnGuard
- 3 drops of Wild Orange
- 2 drops of OnGuard

Chai Blend
- 1 drop of Cardamom
- 1 drop of Cinnamon Bark
- 1 drop of Ginger
- 1 drop of Wild Orange

Rainy Morning
- 5 drops of Grapefruit
- 5 drops of Lemon
- 2 drops of Peppermint

Apple Pie
- 2 drops of Cinnamon Bark
- 2 drops of Clove
- 2 drops of Ginger

Christmas Magic (even though the holidays are over, this blend still reigns in our house)
- 4 drops of Holiday Joy
- 2 drops of Wild Orange

Relax and Refresh
- 3 drops of Lemon
- 2 drops of Lavender
- 1 drop of Rosemary

Happy Dreams
- 3 drops of Lavender
- 4 drops of Lemon
- 2 drops of Peppermint

Awaken Blend (this is one of our favorite blends!)

- 2 drops of Juniper Berry
- 4 drops of Wild Orange
- 4 drops of Grapefruit 

Fresh Laundry
- 4 drops of Purify
- 2 drops of Lemon

Lemon Drop
- 4 drops of Lemon
- 2 drops of Citrus Bliss

Sweet Summer
- 3 drops of Grapefruit
- 3 drops of Wild Orange
- 3 drops of Lavender

- 2 drops of Lime
- 2 drops of Wild Orange
- 2 drops of Grapefruit
- 2 drops of Spearmint

Calming Breeze
- 3 drops of Balance
- 2 drops of Juniper Berry
- 3 drops of Wild Orange

Mint Creamsicle 
- 4 drops of Citrus Bliss
- 3 drops of Spearmint

Sleep In
- 3 drops of Vetiver
- 3 drops doTERRA Serenity

Fresh Air
- 2 drops of Melaleuca
- 2 drops of Lemon
- 2 drops of Lime

Awake and Refresh
- 1 drop of Breathe
- 2 drops of Bergamot
- 2 drops of Wild Orange

Walk in the Woods
- 3 drops of Frankincense
- 2 drops of Fir
- 1 drop of Cedarwood

Breathe Easy
- 2 drops of Lemongrass
- 2 drops of Lavender
- 2 drops of Eucalyptus

These are just a few of my favorite essential oil blends and they help David and I in so many ways. The Rise and Shine blend help gets us up and around in the mornings, the Fresh Laundry blend always makes our house smell so clean, and the Happy Dreams blend helps us sleep calmly through the night. There are some oils that are amazing by themselves, such as Citrus Bliss (which is my husband's absolute favorite oil EVER) or Breathe (which was the only thing that kept us going this last summer with all of the smoke from the fires in California). Frankincense is also a really great oil, especially if you suffer from any sort of chronic pain or illness like I do. I hope you enjoy these blends as much as we do!

If you have any questions about essential oils or their uses, please feel to comment or message me and I'll try to answer them. Oils are so much fun and they honestly have helped my husband and I so much - in fact, Peppermint is the only thing that can help him when he feels nauseous or has a stomach bug! Try out some of these diffuser blends and tell me which ones you liked best and which ones helped your mood throughout the day.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

DIY Chick-fil-A Iced Coffee

"First I drink the coffee, then I do the things."

I absolutely love that quote, don't you? Coffee is what gets me going in the morning and helps me move my morning routine along. As soon as I get up, you better bet I'm trying to find a mug or a cup to make myself some coffee. To be quite honest, I don't discriminate against any form of coffee either - iced, blended or hot, I love them all just the same. What I love even more than home brewed coffee however, is coffee from my favorite coffee shop or fast food restaurant. My husband and I frequent Dutch Bros. way too often than we'd like to admit, and that's where I tend to consume most of my coffee. However, one of my all time favorite coffees comes from a fast food restaurant - Chick-fil-A! In our house, we are always game for some good 'ole Chick-fil-A. We love their chicken biscuit sandwiches, and their spicy chicken deluxes, but let me tell you, one of my favorite things that Chick-fil-A makes, is some seriously tasty iced coffee. Their vanilla iced coffee is my favorite fast food coffee, and it even comes close to Dutch Bros. coffee for me; it's scary how delicious their coffee is. Chick-fil-A cold brew coffee is my ultimate guilty pleasure.

Sadly enough though, my husband and I live an hour away from the closest Chick-fil-A, so we don't go very often. Plus, it's unlikely I could talk my husband into a trip to Chick-fil-A just for an iced coffee. So, in an attempt to save money and time and gas, I decided to make my own Chick-fil-A iced coffee! It tastes delicious and is super easy to make. Here's what you'll need:

- Instant coffee
- Heavy whipping cream or half & half
- A large cup (because we all like our coffee large and in charge)
- Ice
- Vanilla simple syrup
- A straw
- A spoon

I adore a vanilla kick in my iced coffee, so I make my own vanilla syrup to add sweetness and a little extra flavor. However, if you wanted to simply use sugar-free vanilla syrup or vanilla syrup from the store that would work just as well. Before we get started on the coffee, here is my recipe for vanilla simple syrup:

1. Mix 1 cup sugar and 1 cup water in a small pot. Bring to a boil, stirring until the sugar dissolves.
2. Once the sugar is dissolved, stir in 1 1/2 tsp of vanilla.
3. Once cooled, you can pour the simple syrup into a mason jar and stick it in the fridge - it will last for about 2 weeks in the fridge.

Now that you have my recipe for the vanilla simple syrup, let's get to the good stuff...the iced coffee recipe!

1. Heat 4 oz of water and stir in 1 tbsp of instant coffee. I like to make my coffee really strong for this recipe only because you will lose some of the coffee taste once you pour it over the ice and the ice begins to melt.
2. Pour your coffee over a cup full of ice and stir together.
3. Pour in as much half & half or heavy whipping cream as you like - I like my coffee pretty light so I pour in a generous amount.
4. Pour in as much of the vanilla simple syrup as you like - however much you put in will determine the sweetness, so be careful not to get carried away and pour too much in and end up with a wickedly sweet drink.
5. Stir and enjoy!

There you have it - that's my DIY Chick-fil-A iced vanilla coffee. It's the perfect drink to start your morning off right and keep you going throughout the day.