Thursday, March 17, 2016

How to {Clean} Your Adidas Superstars

My Adidas Superstars are probably one of my most favorite pair of shoes to wear. They're comfy, they're stylish, and you can pretty much pair them with anything. I've worn them with jeans (like the picture above), with a cute skirt and space buns, with a dress, and with leggings. But, since I do wear them so much and I live in the PNW, my Adidas tend to get a little dirty. 1.) they're white, so dirt is bound to happen and 2.) with all the rain, means there's a lot of mud, which sometimes, I accidentally walk in. This is why I have decided to share my tips on how to clean your Adidas Superstars!

Things You Will Need:
• A medium seized bowl
Laundry soap/detergent
• Bleach
• A towel
• Water
• A washcloth - make sure you pick one that you won't mind getting dirty or getting bleach on

1. Put in 1/2 teaspoon of laundry soap and 1/2 teaspoon of bleach into your bowl
2. Pour cold water into your bowl and allow the laundry soap and bleach to mix in together
3. Soak your washcloth in the water/soap/bleach mixture
4. Remove the laces from your shoes; if you want to wash your laces, you can let them soak in some laundry soap, bleach and water and then let them air dry, but I didn't really bother doing that because I knew I wouldn't want to wait for the laces to dry.
5. Take your washcloth out of the water and make sure you ring it out really good so there isn't a lot of excess water dripping on your beloved Adidas
6. Wipe away all the dirt and grossness
7. Dry off the shoes with a clean towel
8. Put the laces back on and have fun wearing clean shoes!

To show you the dramatic difference between my Adidas before I cleaned them and after I cleaned them, that way you can see that this method actually works.



Clearly, this cleaning method works. I was really pleased with my results and can't wait to go out and sport my clean Adidas Superstars. I hope these tips help to keep your Adidas looking clean and white and not nearly as dirty as mine were.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much!! I can't wait to try it! Yours look amazing!
